Raidboxes promotes constructive teamwork, see the first part of our series of articles on mental health and non-violent communication. To ensure that this succeeds despite the growing number of our employees, we have jointly drawn up a code of conduct: The Raidboxes Code of Conduct. You are welcome to use it as a template to strengthen your own team.
What is a Code of Conduct?
The Raidboxes Code of Conduct (see the definition on Wikipedia) is a code of conduct. It contains guidelines and expectations as to how we want to interact and communicate within the team. It thus expands the following Raidboxes values and standards to include specific recommendations for action:
- Passion
- Freedom
- Friendliness
- Unconventionality
- Transparency
- Sustainability
With the help of the guidelines, these values are to be integrated into everyday life in a sustainable and equal manner. In this respect, it is not a "list of prohibitions". Rather, the Code is a tool that reminds us of a work culture based on mutual consideration, active communication and trust. It applies to all employees and freelancers who work for Raidboxes. The guidelines therein relate in particular to mutual exchange in the office, in Slack, (online) meetings, remote setups, team events, at WordCamps and other events. Also in direct personal conversation/chat.
The foundations of the Code of Conduct were developed by the Mental Health and Equality teams, based on workshops on non-violent communication (NVC). However, it is a document that "lives". The Mental Health and Equality roles take on board suggestions or requests for changes from Raidboxes employees and introduce them to the entire team.
Here is the wording of the Raidboxes Code of Conduct, addressed to our employees:
The Raidboxes Code of Conduct
1. always treat all employees with kindness and respect
This includes listening to the other person's point of view at all times (for example, "letting them speak out") and respecting them, even in the event of conflict. At the same time, you should give honest feedback to avoid misunderstandings. However, respectful, considerate and cooperative interaction also means responding to every request within a reasonable time, regardless of the channel through which it comes. If you are present, within 24 hours at the latest.
2. awareness of a diverse team
Raidboxes is getting bigger and more diverse. That's why we want to create a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for everyone - regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ability or disability, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), age, social or economic status. Avoid statements and actions that could personally offend others. Ensure in your statements and behavior that all forms of discriminatory, derogatory or exclusionary statements have no place on Raidboxes.
3. respond to different needs
Be attentive to understand the lifestyles, personalities and attitudes of your colleagues and see them as opportunities that should be respected and protected. In your communication, take into account the relationship you have with a person. Behave professionally towards your colleagues. Casual manners are fine and desired, but you should not assume consent without reflection, especially when dealing with new employees. Be aware of your counterpart's boundaries and respect them. Actively contribute to making everyone in the team feel welcome with your tone and behavior. If in doubt, ask.
4. mindful communication
This includes clear, active, considerate and empathetic communication, as we regularly practise as part of our non-violent communication (NVC) training. If necessary, use these training sessions to reflect on your behavior or the behavior of teams. Refrain from using violent language.
5. address and accept conflicts
The holocracy with which we organize ourselves allows maximum freedom. At the same time, it is not free from conflict. Working together at Raidboxes can also lead to disagreements. Address such conflicts directly; this is expressly encouraged at Raidboxes and part of our corporate culture. Contact the person concerned directly. State clearly if you do not agree with a statement or action. Only if none of this works do you proactively look for conflict resolution options (such as NVC training, mental health & mediation or the role of equality).
6. documentation and orientation
Record agreements in writing so that positive cooperation and communication can continue. Conflict resolutions should also lead to a concrete goal or result. If necessary, use concrete examples to make your communication clearer. Let your counterpart know if you want the result documented.
7. inquiries and "time-out"
Ask the other person if you do not understand a statement or action. Say "stop" if such an action is not in line with your values. At the same time, you can always ask for time to reflect, for example in a meeting, so that you can sort yourself out and respond to the statement at a later time. However, communicate this to your colleagues and don't just leave the communication there.
8. constructive speech
Use "I" messages instead of "you/we/man" (see the basics of non-violent communication). Only use the "we" message if there is already an agreed consensus in the team. Work with positive and concrete formulations and non-violent language. You can use the NVC model Observe -> Feelings -> Needs -> Ask for action in conflicts. Mental Health and NVC can also support you here.
9. transparency
Always communicate as transparently as possible. Things that are mentioned to you in confidence should nevertheless remain confidential. Perhaps you can encourage your colleagues to discuss them in a larger group. Don't talk about others or another team behind their backs ("gossip") - even if there is tension - but always involve them directly. Remind your colleagues of this value if you encounter such behavior, because it causes unrest and is unfair.
10. recognition of different ways of working and living
There are different ways in which employees and teams organize their work, or how they ensure their own personal work-life balance. In your statements, make sure that none of these ways are discredited or played off against each other.
11. open cooperation
This code should not lead to employees feeling that they are no longer allowed to address certain things or topics. They must be able to trust that they will receive honest and constructive feedback. So speak up at any time if an approach does not correspond to your values or those of the Code of Conduct. This is the only way to keep communication alive and involve everyone as much as possible.
12. remembering common values
Do you encounter behavior (whether towards yourself or others) that does not correspond to Raidboxes' values? Then remind your colleagues of this, clearly recognizable and with reference to the Code of Conduct. Everyone at Raidboxes should take action. It is our common task and our common goal to work together in a positive way.

Support for the guidelines
What can you do as an employee of Raidboxes if you notice a violation of the Code of Conduct towards yourself or others?
- Express your impression directly. In this way, communication can be improved directly and misunderstandings can be clarified. Are you being met with a lack of understanding? Then remind them directly of the value of transparency or "direct approach". Your proactive and independent action is important to us here so that something changes in the long term. If you don't succeed or are unsure, then use the NVC exercises. Or ask the Mental Health role which methods you can use to strengthen your communication.
- Make constructive suggestions on how conflict situations can be avoided in the future (e.g. honest feedback, new format, different round of participants, regular documented agreements, introducing as an exercise in NVC, etc.): Honest feedback, new format, different round of participants, regular documented agreements, introducing it as an exercise in NVC, etc.).
- Point out to your colleagues if discussions develop in the direction of negative and unconstructive language.
- Remind your team that the Code of Conduct is a positive tool for open organization, not an instrument of coercion. Do you have suggestions for improving the Code? Then speak to the Mental Health and Equality roles at any time.
- If nothing else helps or you need support: contact your team leads, management or the Mental Health and Equality roles.