Local online marketing against the crisis #supportyourlocals

Corona is a crisis for local retailers, while platforms such as Amazon are making huge profits. This is another reason why we are supporting the #supportyourlocals campaign with free hosting for portals that digitally connect local businesses. One example of this is Rheinkreishelden. We spoke to initiator Alexander Rottels about the project. How did you come up with the idea of Rheinkreishelden? ... read more

Implement WooCommerce with high performance: Online store michel and elbe

A WooCommerce store with lots of images? And then moving to a new WordPress host? Not an easy task. Our interview with designer Justyna Schmidt and photographer Andreas Schmidt-Wiethoff from the online store michel und elbe shows how this can be mastered. Including recommendations for the right plugins. You have a ... read more

go-digital: Funding for WordPress projects

A website with WordPress or WooCommerce can be funded with up to 16,500 euros - as part of the go-digital program. Which projects receive funding? And what are the requirements? 10 questions for Nils Hocke from our agency partner AgenturWebfox. Nils, who receives funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)? And what exactly is ... read more

How to optimize your processes as a WordPress agency

The same work steps over and over again - an annoying evil for agencies, even when developing WordPress. How do others optimize their tasks? And what tools do they use? 10 questions for our customer and agency partner Daan Bachmann from stark.marketing. Quick project start Daan, your WordPress agency manages numerous projects throughout Germany. Which features from our WordPress ... read more

Phototravellers: How to successfully set up a blog

Launching a well-known travel blog and making a living from it - still a dream of many bloggers. But nowadays it's anything but easy to get started with a blog. Biggi and Flo from Phototravellers have made it. They tell us more about their recipe for success, the necessary requirements and blogging in times of crisis. Blogs and SEO Your travel blog ... read more

Sustainability: What can agencies, freelancers and companies actually do?

More and more freelancers and agencies want to work sustainably. But what does that actually mean? And which measures are best suited? Stephie Keilholz and Philipp Stakenborg from the agency Das Gute Ruft tell you more in our interview. As a creative agency for sustainable companies and projects, you want to set a good example. What are the most important levers ... read more