Create and conduct a webinar in 7 steps
Webinars are a good way to publicize your company, attract new customers and learn more about your target group. Perhaps you've had the "create a webinar" project on your to-do list for a long time, but also have a few questions about it? Then you've come to the right place. In this article, I'll explain why webinars are important to ... read more

CO₂ optimized websites with WordPress and WooCommerce
Websites and online stores with WordPress that are CO₂ optimized? Our partner agency ecombee does just that. As a particularly sustainable web host, the topic of "green" WordPress is close to our hearts. That's why we asked Patrick Losert from ecombee how web projects can be planned more ecologically. Patrick, you design CO₂-optimized websites and online stores with WordPress. What are the central ... read more

Use of AI in digital agencies and B2B web design
WordPress web design is constantly subject to technological changes, just like all areas of the agency world. How can a digital agency make the best possible use of AI technologies to ensure growth for clients, but also for the agency itself? A guest article from our partner agency vereda, including concrete examples and prompts. The simplified use of artificial intelligence (AI), with the help of chat ... read more

Strong brand identity and positioning for freelancers
Everyone has an identity. Most people just don't consciously realize it. As an agency or freelancer, you are often concerned with where and how you can win and convince clients. But the basis of your success starts earlier: with your brand identity and positioning. Become who you are The brand identity is the defining characteristics of ... read more

Planning WordPress projects: From requirements to implementation
Complex WordPress projects can quickly become a challenge. After all, the customer's needs need to be "translated" into the development. We spoke to Ben Hutchison-Bird from our agency partner NINE Brackets about what is important when planning WordPress and WooCommerce. Communication as a central lever Ben, what is important to your customers on the way to a solution ... read more

4-day week in agencies: a model for the future?
The 4-day working week model is currently the subject of heated debate and is part of the New Work movement. As the name suggests, the model involves spreading the working week over four days instead of the usual five. The number of working hours is either reduced or spread over four days. Since August 2021 ... read more

Increase productivity: complete more tasks with less stress
There are people who tirelessly and unstoppably complete one task after another. Their days seem to have considerably more than 24 hours. Have they sold their soul in a deal with the devil? Or do they simply know something I don't? My best tips to help you work more productively. Either way ... read more

Cooperation instead of competition: moving forward with common goals
An important part of any marketing strategy is to identify your competitors. This is the only way to find out how your company can be uniquely positioned in the market - and how you can improve your products and services. In our capitalist world, many profit-oriented companies have developed strategies to beat the competition out of fear. The ... read more

Becoming a freelancer step by step
Freelancers are very popular with companies and agencies. But what specific steps do you need to take to become financially independent? In this article, I'll show you how you can become a successful freelancer. What are freelancers? Freelancers are freelance service providers whose employment relationship is based on freelance work and flexible income. In contrast to employees, freelancers ... read more